< Master index Index for ./biomechZoo/Toolbox/Inter-joint Coordination >

Index for ./biomechZoo/Toolbox/Inter-joint Coordination

Matlab files in this directory:

 CRPThis function determing the CRP on a 0-180 scale, correcting for
 CRP_statsThis determines CRP stats: Mean Absolute Relative Phase (MARP) and
 bmech_continuous_relative_phaseBMECH_CONTINNUOUS_RELATIVE_PHASE(fld, dist_phase_angle_ch,
 bmech_phase_angleBMECH_PHASE_ANGLE(fld, evt1, evt2) computes phase angles between evt1 and evt2 for channels
 phase_anglePA_data = PHASE_ANGLE(angle) determines the Phase Angle for a single kinematic waveform
 phase_angle_dataPHASE_ANGLE_DATA(data, chns, evt1, evt2) computes phase angle taking into

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